Luther, the crime drama created and written by Neil and starring Idris Elba, returned to BBC One in June 2011 and BBC America in October 2011. The highly-acclaimed crime series full of exhilarating stories, distinctive characters and intense, psychological drama first screened on BBC One in May 2010. Elba again stars as DCI John Luther, the super-intuitive det
John Hurt, one of Britain’s most esteemed and prolific actors starred as James Parkin, in Whistle And I’ll Come To You, the story of a man’s encounter with an apparition on a desolate British beach and how this haunting begins to hound him. Whistle And I’ll Come To You, written by Neil and made by BBC Drama Production, is a modern adaptation of the evocative Edwardian
Idris Elba stars in Neil Cross's first, thrilling, six-part series Luther, a dark psychological crime thriller that took a bold new look at the detective genre on BBC One in May 2010. Elba, best known for his performance in the award-winning HBO series The Wire, playing drug kingpin Russell "Stringer" Bell, now finds himself on the other side of the law as John Luther, a near-genius m
Neil was lead writer for two acclaimed series of the hit BBC spy drama Spooks. Joining the writing team for a single episode in Series 5, his major contribution was to Series 6 and 7. He wrote the following episodes: Series 7 Nominated for a BAFTA award and an International Emmy award for Best Drama Series Episode 1